Material Samples » Hanging Samples
Hanging Samples
Individual hanging samples are commonly used in retail or in a designer’s showroom. Hanging samples are typically large enough to allow the user the ability to drape, fold or hang the sample in a way that matches its intended use, such as covering an upholstery frame, or window.
Presentation hangers can also be used to show suggested color and pattern correlations, while still allowing sufficient swatch size to effectively show the pattern design.
Hanging samples can be pinked or straight cut and serged. Serging is the most popular method, as these samples are subjected to a lot of use and handling. Hanging methods range from turned-edge cases with metal hanger units to plastic skirt hangers and fully incorporated die-cut cap units. Identifications can be applied directly to the incorporated hanger, or they can be attached to the swatch with a label or fold-over ticket.
Sizes for individual hangers usually run 17”x 17” to 26” x 26” and are displayed folded to a size of 8½” wide or 13” wide by sample length.
Because of the large amount of material per swatch, hanging samples usually call for a fairly limited distribution.
Hanging Samples – Leed Highlights
Let us show you our hanging sample product options and capabilities. Simply contact us to learn more.
Design Flexibility
Leed can easily accommodate numerous design variants, including sample edge treatments, different hanging or display methods and identification placements.
Small Minimum Orders
Our ultra-small quantity capabilities offer the highest quality at the lowest cost for your hanging samples.
Fulfillment Services
With our in-house fulfillment services you’ll be able to rapidly respond to individual swatch requests and keep retail displays complete and up to date.