Material Samples » Sample Books
Sample Books
Sample books are most often a permanently bound presentation. This allows for a more controlled presentation to the viewer, encouraging your materials to be seen together. This permanence also means that the entire presentation is dependent on the timeliness and longevity of the entire collection of materials shown.
With smaller swatch sizes and manufacturing processes more suited to large quantities, sample books are a good way to make the product viewable in more locations.
Leed designs and manufactures a range of the highest quality sample books, including stack books, waterfall books and specialized books.
Sample Books
Leed Highlights
Industry Leading Expertise and Quality
Leed has been designing and manufacturing material swatching solutions for over 50 years. Our experience ensures the highest levels of quality, consistency, and production efficiency.
Design Flexibility
We can produce sample books in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, dependent mostly on the materials being shown and intended use.